
answering call service

Reasons why your business needs a call answering service

Starting your own business is an exhilarating journey filled with promise and potential, but it also comes with many responsibilities. To ensure your business thrives, you’ll need to put in hard work and make strategic decisions. Yet, one common pitfall among UK-based startup founders is the reluctance to seek assistance, leading them to shoulder the burden of every task alone. Fortunately, there’s a practical and cost-effective solution: investing in a business call answering service from TakeMy Calls.

Never miss a call

Sales calls are the lifeblood of any business. You promote your products and services to attract customers, but what happens when a potential client calls and finds you unavailable? With our call handling service, you can rest assured that you’ll never miss a sales opportunity again.

Continuity beyond business hours

Unlike a traditional receptionist, a telephone answering service operates around the clock. It can answer your business calls and take messages when your business is closed. This means you’ll have a professional presence to handle customer enquiries and provide real-time customer service, even outside regular working hours.

No need for a full-time receptionist

Training and retaining a receptionist are time-consuming and costly. Small businesses, in particular, might not receive a high volume of calls daily, making a full-time receptionist an unnecessary expense. By opting for a call answering service, you can save your business the hassle of hiring and maintaining another employee.

Focus on what matters most

Managing incoming calls during working hours is distracting and time-consuming. It also diverts your team from their primary responsibilities. With a telephone answering service handling your calls, your team can stay focused on their tasks without interruption.

Budget control

Our call answering service offers flexible payment options without requiring long-term contracts. You can choose between fixed monthly rates or pay-as-you-go tariffs, giving you control over your business spending.

Professional phone numbers

For small businesses looking to provide free customer support, having only a mobile phone number on your website can make your business appear asa one-person operation. With an 0800 number ora landline telephone number provided by the call answering service, you can create the impression of a larger and more established company.

Enhanced staff productivity

Research shows that phone calls are among the most distracting elements in the workplace.Constant interruptions to attend calls disrupt your team’s workflow and hinder productivity. With a call answering service, you can designate specific times for handling calls, optimising efficiency.

Reduced waiting time for callers

Long wait times frustrate customers. Some may wait for several minutes before speaking to a live person, leading to a potential loss of interest and hang-ups. Fast and efficient service can significantly impact sales conversions.

Take My Calls’ business call answering service can be the solution to your customer support challenges. Free your team from the distraction of managing calls during their work hours and let them concentrate on their core responsibilities. Invest in our business call answering service today and experience the benefits of increased professionalism, improved productivity and better customer satisfaction. Your business deserves the support it needs to thrive, and a call answering service is a smart step in the right direction.