Terms & Conditions

Pay As You Go

Our Agreement and Your Subscription

When you apply to make a subscription to our service, you must be at least 18 years old and, if you’re applying for a business, you must be authorised to apply on behalf of the business. If you decide to change your mind and cancel, we’ll need to know within 24 hours, otherwise, we’ll assume that you still want to go ahead.

As part of the order process, you will be required to register as a user on our website. You need to do this so that when you top up, your payment is applied to your account. You will also be able to see details of your balance, calls, and previous orders. If you lose your login details, then someone else might be able to access your account and, for example, make changes or use up your credit. You need to tell us straightaway if you’ve lost your login details so we can protect your account.

Pay As You Go is a subscription service. We charge a monthly subscription fee and deduct this automatically from your credit balance each month. If you’ve asked for us to provide a number for you to use, there is a monthly rental charge for each number. This too will be deducted from your credit balance each month.

You cannot sell or transfer your subscription to anyone else without us giving our written permission for you to do so.

Start your service & divert number

Once your payment is through, we’ll set everything up and give you a telephone number where you should divert your calls. Please remember that the divert number is ours so you’ll need to tell us if you plan to make it public in some way, for example printing it on your business cards, and we need to agree that’s ok.

We might need to change your divert number at some point but this will be a rare event. Usually, it’s only done if we’re receiving a lot of wrong numbers or other sorts of calls. If you’ve lost your login information, we need to take that extra step to secure your account. If anything like this happens, we might have to change or temporarily switch off your number straightaway and then tell you about it. We’ll try not to do that but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

If we do have to change your number or turn it off for any reason, we won’t be responsible for any costs you might incur as a result.

If you ask us to provide a number for you, you should understand that you are renting it from us and ownership remains with us at all times. We charge a monthly subscription for rental numbers and this is deducted from your credit balance each month.

Topping up

Once your subscription is live, you can top-up your account at any time through the website. Depending on the top-up amount you choose, we’ll give you a bonus credit. The bonus credit might change from time to time or we might have an offer on when you top-up. Our website will always be up to date so make sure you check when you top-up.

Just in case you forget to top-up, we’ll send you a reminder email when your balance drops below £10. If the balance of your account reaches zero, we’ll stop answering your calls – even if your customers are still calling. As soon as you top-up, we’ll start answering calls immediately. If you have more than one account with us, we won’t transfer from the account in credit to the empty one.

When does my subscription stop?

We’ll keep answering your calls as long as there’s credit in your account and someone has called you within the last 30 days. You can always stop your service at any time as long as you let us know at least one month in advance.

If there’s no credit in your account and you don’t top-up within 30 days, or if we don’t take any calls for you for 30 days, we’ll assume you don’t want us anymore and close your account. We’d also do this if you’re made bankrupt or if, as a business, a winding-up order is issued. If there is unused credit on your account, it will not be refunded.

If you pause your service for any reason, we will disable the number so no calls will be received until you tell us to turn it back on. Subscription and number rental charges will still be applied but you will not have any call charges deducted from your account.

If you decide to swap your service to one of our Pay Monthly packages, we will stop any subscription charges and any unused credit on your account (less any additional credit we have added as part of your top-ups) will be transferred to your new Pay Monthly account. The credit will then be applied against any invoices until it is used up.

Our service: what we'll do and what we won't

We never sleep and so we’ll answer your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We’ll do our best to answer every call and to take a message every time. We can’t guarantee that we’ll always answer every single call but we’ll try our hardest to do so. If any of these happen, we won’t be responsible or liable for any costs you might incur as a result.

Given that we have our reputation to consider, we won’t answer calls that are in any way involved or associated with anything iffy. By iffy we mean anything illegal, obscene, racist, immoral or anything else we consider might harm our reputation. If we think that’s the case, we’ll cancel your subscription immediately and without notice. As it’s our reputation, our decision is final.

We’re nice people and we don’t like being abused by callers. If we take a call for you and the caller is abusive in any way or uses offensive language, we’ll hang up. Where possible, we’ll bar that caller from your account so they can’t ring back and be abusive again. If we can’t bar them and they ring back, we’ll just hang up on them.

Although we do our very best to handle your calls with the utmost care and skill, sometimes things go wrong – we’re only human after all! If we are unable to take a message on a call or, by mistake take incorrect information, or fail to send a message to you, we won’t be liable for any problems this may cause nor costs it may incur. This would include loss of income or profits, damage to your reputation, loss of any data, or any consequential loss.

Sales calls

We hate them too! Most sales calls are really obvious and we can get rid of them for you without problems. However, we all know how sneaky some people can be so, occasionally, one might slip through. If that happens, please let us know and we’ll refund that call as a credit on your account. We’ll check the call itself and, if we disagree with you that it’s a sales call, we might not refund you.

Having been used and abused in the past, the maximum number of calls we will refund won’t be more than 5% of the calls you received in the previous 30 days. If you’re receiving lots of sales calls, we may change your divert number to stop the problem. In case you’re wondering, we decide how many calls mean “lots of sales calls” and our decision is final.

Written communications

Given the nature of what we do, any communication regarding changes to your service must be in writing.

Events outside our control

Sometimes things really go wrong. In 2007 we had two feet of water running through the building: not good. While we have backup phone and data lines and a big generator sitting in the car park, sometimes even those aren’t enough for us to keep going.

When something happens that we decide is outside our control such as a fire or flooding or whatever else might be the problem, we’ll deal with it as best as we can so we can keep going and provide service. On very rare occasions and despite our best efforts, we may go offline for a short time while we work to resolve the problem.

We won’t be liable for any problems this may cause nor costs it may incur. This would include loss of income or profits, damage to your reputation, loss of any data, or any consequential loss.

Legal stuff

Okay…we tried but apparently there has to be some legal stuff.

All your messages are confidential: we won’t tell anyone about them. However, if we’re served with a Court Order requiring any information about you or your messages, we will co-operate with those law enforcement agencies in disclosing whatever information they may require or is covered by the Court Order.

To the extent that you are not a consumer (as defined below), regulations 9(1) 9(2) and 11 of the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 (Regulations) shall not apply to this Agreement. The term “Consumer” is as defined in the Regulations.

If any of these Terms are determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable then that term will be severed from the remaining ones which will continue to be valid.

These terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between us and they supersede any prior terms, agreement, understanding, or any other arrangement between us. They are governed by English law and, if there is any dispute arising from or related to the Agreement, it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

We may need to change these Terms from time to time and the most current version of our Terms will always be on our website.


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